My Amazon Reviews of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

by L. Ron Gardner on November 1, 2015

I was introduced to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali forty-plus years ago by my first yoga teacher, John R. Logan. I remember reading three versions of the Yoga Sutras at that time – Swami Vivekananda’s, Charles Johnston’s, and Christopher Isherwood and Prabhavanda’s. I eventually taught Patanjali’s “Classical” yoga, and recently read several more versions of this yoga teaching. Even though I’m not a big fan of the Yoga Sutras, I think it’s important for serious students of meditation to familiarize themselves with this teaching because it provides unique information and insights on consciousness and mind in the Self-realization project.

To cut to the chase, I recommend that those new to yoga philosophy begin their study of Patanjali with Isherwood and Prabhavananda’s “How to Know God,” and that those interested in a deeper, more esoteric consideration read both Edwin F. Bryant’s “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” and Swami Hariharanda Aranya’s “The Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali.”

The Reviews

Must Reading for Patanjalites (four stars): “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”/Edwin F. Bryant

If you are a serious student of the Yoga Sutras, Professor Edwin F. Bryants the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” is a text you should read, along with Swami Hariharananda’s Ananda’s “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali” (see my five-star review). If you are new to Patanjali, I suggest you start your journey into the Yoga Sutras with “How to Know God: The Yoga Aphorisms of Patanjali” by Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda (see my four-star review). I have also reviewed a number of other translations/commentaries of the Yoga Sutras – versions by Swami Satchidananda (see my three star review), Cliff Hartranft (see my two-star review), Charles Johnston (see my four-star review), and Mukunda Stiles (see my two-star review).

Even though I’m an expert in the Yoga Sutras, having practiced and taught this Classical, or Raja, Yoga in addition to having studied multiple versions, I’m not a fan of this Yoga (which I consider inferior to many other Eastern spiritual Dharmas, such as nondual Kashmir Shaivism, Tibetan Buddhist Dzogchen, Adi Da’s Daism, and Ramana Maharshi’s Advaita Vedanta). Nonetheless, I consider it an important tradition to study because of the unique insights it provides regarding the mechanics and psychology of consciousness and mind in the Self-realization process.

Professor Bryant’s the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” has much to recommend it, and its features are listed on the book’s back cover: “An introduction on Yoga from before Patanjali through the Vedic period, as well as Yoga in the Upanishads, Mahabarata, and Sankhya. A discussion of Patanjali in relation to Indian philosophy. The history of the commentaries on the Yoga Sutras. Succinct chapter summaries. An appendix of the sutras for use in reference, study, and chanting. A Sanskrit pronunciation guide. A glossary, endnotes, and bibliography. An index of key terms.” In addition to these features, Bryant’s writing is fluid and agreeable, and though scholarly, does not reek of acadamese. It will be accessible to those with college-level reading skills and a desire to ponder the meaning of the multitude of Sanskrit terms he employs and elaborates.

What isn’t there to like about Bryant’s book? Plenty from my perspective. But because this is just a review and not a book, I can only touch upon some of the issues I have with this 600-page tome:

1) The Word Index in the physical book doesn’t cut it. It only includes Sankrit terms, and not non-Sankrit ones, such as Buddhism. Hence, when I wanted to review what Bryant says about Buddhism (and he says plenty), there was no way to easily locate this information. For this reason, if I could go back in time, I would buy the Kindle version instead of the paperback.

2) Although Bryant devotes a good deal of space to comparing/contrasting Patanjali with Buddhism, he doesn’t really understand Buddhism, and limits his consideration to perverted versions of original, or Pali, Buddhism. If Bryant understood what Gautama Buddha taught, he’d know that the Buddha’s anatta teaching rejects all that is not-Self; hence it points to the same Self as Patanjali.

3) In goosestep with contemporary Buddhism writers, Bryant doesn’t capitalize the term “self” when it refers to the Atman, or Purusa. This is egregious, because it fails to distinguish between the empirical self and the metempirical Self.

4) Bryant’s definitions and explanations of many key Sankrit terms are lacking. For example, he doesn’t clarify what vasanas are (he reductively describes them as “clusters of samskaras”) and how they function to “sprout” as mind. He fails to elaborate the important distinction between the “antahkarana” and “citta”; in fact, “antahkarana” is not even included in his Word Index. He talks about the Heart as the the seat of the soul and as a chakra, but doesn’t broach the subject of the distinction between the Hridayam and the Ajna chakra.

5) Bryant’s descriptions of the various samadhis identified by Patanjali are unimpressive. And he doesn’t have a clue about the most important Samadhi (the one that confers full en-Light-enment) – Dharmamegha Samadhi, which he (probably parroting Swami Sivananda) defines as “cloud of virtue.” In reality, Dharmamegha Samadhi refers to the full descent of the Dharma Cloud (Shaktipat or the Sambhogakaya) into the Heart-center, which results in the severing of the Heart-knot and Self-realization.

6) Although Bryant freely uses the term “esoteric” in his discourse, his exegesis of Patanjali, though teeming with educative information and analysis, does not qualify as truly profound. For example, though he freely contrasts Patanjali with Buddhism and Advaita Vedanta, he fails to do so with nondual Kashmir Shaivism, the foremost Yoga Dharma. A truly deep commentary of Patanjali would include a consideration of the relation between Shakti and prakriti. Because Bryant doesn’t consider Shakti, or Divine Power, in the Self-realization project, he gropes when he attempts to explain and reconcile the worship of Ishwara with the non-theistic meditation practices prescribed by Patanjali.

In my estimation, Patanjali was not a fully en-Light-ened sage. The fact he had an Ishta-Devata (a form of God he worshipped) bespeaks of someone on the path, not a Self-realized guru. Although all serious Yoga students should read Patanjali, they should also read the Indic spiritual teachings that eclipse his “Classical Yoga.” I suggest four Patanjali-eclipsing texts to begin with (each of which I have reviewed and given five stars): “Talks with Sri Ramana Maharshi,” “Sri Ramana Gita,” “The Philosophy of Sadhana: With Special Reference to the Trika Philosophy of Kashmir,” and “The Doctrine of Recognition: A Translation of Pratyabhijnahrdayam” (available inexpensively as a Google ebook).

To sum, despite my criticisms of Bryant’s commentary, his “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” provides a wealth of illuminating information and analysis, and, along Swami Hariharananda Aranya’s text, qualifies as “must” reading for all serious students of Patanjali.

Engaging, Uplifting, Flawed (Three Stars): “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”/Swami Satchidananda

Beginning in 1971, when I began to practice hatha yoga using Swami Satchidanda’s “Integral Yoga Hatha” as my guide, I followed the career of this renowned guru until his death in 2002. When my first spiritual teacher, John R. Logan, informed me, in 1973, that Satchidananda was not the celibate he claimed be, but in fact was “taking advantage” of his female devotees, I began to doubt his purity – and years later when sex scandals involving Satchidanda became big news and led to the defection of 1/3 of his Integral Yoga Institute’s (IYI) membership, I can’t say that I was surprised. If you Google “Swami Satchidanada sex scandals,” you’ll find plenty of dirt on the popular swami.

Although I continued to pay attention to Satchidananda and IYI, I had little interest in Satchidanananda’s teachings, which I found remedial compared to Krishnamurti’s, Ramana Maharshi’s, Adi Da’s, and the traditions of Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. When, a few months ago, the idea to write a book on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali hit me, I decided to revisit the teachings of Satchidananda by including his text on the Yoga Sutras as one of the books I would look at before writing my own on the subject.

I’ve taught Raja Yoga and have read seven different versions of the Yoga Sutras, so I bring a critical eye to any translation/commentary of Patanjali’s aphorisms. Given my familiarity with Satchidananda’s teachings, his version of the Yoga Sutras was pretty much what I expected it to be – engaging, uplifting, and flawed.

Satchidananda’s commentaries in this text are informal and copacetic – providing a reader-friendly experience. The commentaries are permeated with uplifting stories and sagely yogic advice that most readers will find both educational and inspiring. Satchidananda was a down-to-earth Capricorn, and his feet are planted firmly on the ground as he describes the particulars of Integral and Raja yoga practice.

The real problem with Satchidananda’s translation and commentary is that it is flawed and superficial. Those new to Yoga philosophy and the Yoga Sutras probably will not notice this – but to spiritual esotericists, this problem stands out like a sore thumb.

First off, his definitions of important Sankrit terms are poor. He doesn’t clearly explains any of the various samadhis that Patanjali mentions, and he defines samadhi as “contemplation,” which is ridiculous. He describes asamprajnata samadhi as “indistinguished,” and samprajnata samadhi as “distinguished.” Again, these are lousy descriptions. He’s not clear on other important terms like “citta,” which he defines as “mind-stuff.” Citta is simply universal Consciousness (Cit) functioning as human consciousness, which means consciousness in conjunction with mind, or “manas.” Moreover, Satchidanada provides us with an improper definition of manas: “the desiring faculty of mind-stuff.” “Manas” is simply mind in general, and to say that “mind-stuff” has a desiring faculty is absurd. A human being, or soul, could be said to have a desiring faculty, but not “mind-stuff.”

Beyond his faulty definitions, Satchidananda makes too many flawed statements. At the very beginning of the text, he states, “Once you have made the mind thoughtless, you have attained the goal [of Yoga]. This is wrong. Even if the practice of Yoga involves stilling the mind, this is simply a means to eventually attaining Self-realization. Satchidananda knows this very well, but his sloppy writing doesn’t always reflect his understanding.

Elsewhere he writes, “Every desire binds you and brings restlessness. To get to liberation you have to be completely desireless… Is it possible to be desireless? No.” That makes liberation impossible – but then he tries to weasel out of this statement by rationalizing selfless service as the way beyond desire. But his rationalization fails to undo the contradiction.

With his background in Hindu spiritual philosophy, one would think that Satchidananda would be very familiar with Siva and Shakti in Hindu tantra, yet he writes, “The Tibetan tantric system speaks of Siva and Shakti. No, it doesn’t. Moreover Satchidananda displays his ignorance of Siva and Shakti when he reduces them to “positive and negative forces within each individual.”

I could go on and on pointing out problems with this text, but I’m sure you get the picture by now.
Christian Mysticism Meets Patanjali (Four Stars): “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali”/Charles Johnston
From my perspective, there is a lot to like about this book. First off, the Kindle version is available for free, so there is no financial risk in checking it out. (Note: even if you don’t have a Kindle reader, you can download free PC software from Amazon, and read it on your computer.) Secondly, because I have an affinity for Christian mysticism, I particularly vibe with Theosophist author Charles Johnston’s (1867-1931) Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941)- like commentary on the Yoga Sutras. In other words, just as Cliff Hartranft puts a pop-Buddhist spin on Patanjali (see my two-star review of his “The Yoga Sutra of Patanjali”), Johnston opts for a Christianized approach. And unlike Hartranft, he provides commentary in addition to his translation.

I initially read this book forty-plus years ago, but I didn’t appreciate it then, because I was into self-willed meditation rather than obedience to (or communion with) the Divine Will, which is what Johnston emphasizes.

As I re-read it, I copied down some of Johnston’s writing I found particularly to my liking. These samples from the book will make clear his orientation:

“Union, here as always in the Scriptures of India, means union of the individual soul with the Oversoul; of the personal consciousness with the Divine Consciousness, whereby the mortal becomes immortal, and enters the Eternal. Therefore, salvation is, first, freedom from sin and the sorrow which comes from sin, and then a divine and eternal well-being, wherein the soul partakes of the being, the wisdom and glory of God.

“But the power to know and feel is immortal. What is needed is to raise it from psychical to spiritual.

“The right use of the will is the steady effort to stand in the spiritual Deity.”
“The sorrow and darkness of life come of the erring personal will which sets itself against the Will of the Soul, the one great Life. And sorrow and darkness are inevitable, until the path be found, and the personal will once more made one with the greater Will, wherein it finds rest and power without losing its freedom. In his Will is our peace. Soul-vision is perfected through obedience.

“It has been well said, that what we most need is the faculty of spiritual attention; and in the same direction of thought it has been eloquently declared that prayer does not consist in our catching God’s attention, but rather in our allowing God to hold our attention.

“The reason is this: The threefold power we have been considering, the triad of Attention, Contemplation, Meditation is, so far as we have yet considered it, the focussing of the beam of perceiving consciousness upon some form of manifesting being, with a view of understanding it completely. There is a higher stage, where the beam of consciousness is turned back upon itself, and the individual consciousness enters into, and knows, the All consciousness. This is a being, a being in immortality, rather than a knowing; it is free from mental analysis or mental forms. It is not an activity of the higher mind, even the mind of the spiritual man. It is an activity of the soul.”

I would like to give this book five stars, but in good conscience I can’t for a few reasons. First off, it’s not true to the original Yoga Sutras. For example, in the second Sutra, Patanjali clearly defines Yoga as “the stilling of the changing states of the mind.” (Edwin F. Bryant’s translation in his “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.”) But Johnston ignores this definition, and instead opts for, Yoga is “union of the individual soul with the divine Oversoul, of the personal consciousness with Divine Consciousness.” I much prefer Bryant’s definition, but it’s not Patanjali’s. The entire text displays Johnston’s “creative” translation and interpretation of Patanjali – and much of it deviates significantly from the original text.

Secondly, Johnston eschews Sankrit terms, which detracts from his translation and commentary. And thirdly, Johnston fails to adequately explain and consider all the various samadhis that Patanjali identifies. In short, the book is bereft of an esoteric dimension.

If this book were priced as heavily as Hartranft’s skimpy pop Buddhist translation, I’d give it three stars, but because it’s free and a read I vibe with, I give it four.

Buddhism Meets Patanjali (Two Stars): “The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali”/Cliff Hartranft

If you’re of a Buddhist bent – a pop Buddhist bent – you’ll doubtless appreciate author Cliff Hartranft’s attempt to frame the Yoga Sutras in a quasi-Buddhist context. But if, like me, you rail at the all-pervasive dumbing down of Buddhism, you won’t. Moreover, if, like me, you also prefer the Yoga Sutras presented in its classical Hindu context, you’ll also have problems with this translation.

In addition to the aforesaid problems, another is that it is just a translation, and bereft of commentary. Reading the Yoga Sutras without commentary is like eating a sandwich with nothing between two slices of bread.

In goosestep with most modern Buddhism writers, Hartranft is allergic to capitalization. Hence, Self and Seer are reduced to self and awareness. This is absurd, because animals naturally practice thought-free awareness, and they are not Self-realized. Moreover, the transcendental Self is hardly the phenomenal self.

To get an idea of how Hartranft’s Buddhism flavors his translation, I’ll compare his translation of 1- 9 with Swami Hariharanananda Aranya’s in his “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali.”

Hartranft: “Conceptualization derives from linguistic knowledge, not contact with real things.”

Aranya: “The modification called ‘vikalpa’ is based on verbal recognition in regard to a thing which does not exist (It is a kind of useful knowledge arising out of the meaning of a word but having no corresponding reality.)”

In my opinion, Hartranft’s translation of this sutra misses the boat with its Buddhist-like attempt to denigrate conceptualization in general. Whereas Hartranft wrongly defines vikalpa as “conceptualization,” Aranya rightly provides us with a nuanced description of the term.

I would be remiss if I didn’t point out the positives of Hartranft’s translation: The writing is crisp and clean, and he provides a translation of each of Sanskrit words in each sutra. That said, the book’s negatives (including an inflated price for a super-skimpy text) outweigh its positives, and I can only, in good conscience, give the book two stars.

Doesn’t Cut the Mustard (Two Stars): “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali/Mukunda Stiles

Because I plan to eventually write my own book on the Yoga Sutras, I decided that I need to read more versions of this classic text. I had read four versions prior to this one – Prabhavananda and Isherwood’s, Vivekananda’s, Charles Johnston’s, and Hariharananda Aranya’s – so when I saw this version available for free at ScribdDOTcom, I downloaded it and quickly zipped through it (I’m a speed reader).

The Introduction was excellent, and I learned a few things about the history of the Yoga Sutras. Also, the author made it clear that he had studied the Yoga Sutras for thirty years and was familiar with all the major extant translations/commentaries.

But once I began the author’s translation, it quickly became apparent to me that his poetic, Sankrit-term-free approach does not cut the mustard. For example, it starts out: “Yoga is experienced in that mind which has ceased to identify with its vacillating waves of perception” which immediately caused me to recoil, because “perception” is a misleading term to use here. The reality is that without using and elaborating Sankrit terms such as vrittis, chitta, buddhi, and ahamkara, no effective presentation of the Yoga Sutras is possible. Without Sanskrit terms and elaborating commentary, it’s pointless to write a Yoga Sutras text.

In his one-star review of this text, Movement Therapist and Yoga Teacher “Brad” highly recommends Hariharananda Aranya’s “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali.” I concur (and gave the text 5 stars in my review). But this is an esoteric text best suited for intermediate-to-advanced students of Patanjali. For beginners, the text I recommend (until or unless I find a better one) is “How to Know God” by Isherwood and Prabhavananda.

The Best Introductory Text to Patanjali’s Sutras (Four Stars): “How to Know God” Isherwood/Prabhavananda

I am a yoga teacher and a mystic-scholar. I have been reading spiritual texts for more than forty years, and two of the first texts I read when I began studying the aphorisms of Patanjali were “Raja Yoga,” by Swami Vivekananda, and “How to Know God”, by Prabhavananda and Isherwood. “Raja Yoga” was supposed to be the finest advanced Patanjali text (it isn’t), and “How to Know God” was supposed to be the best basic, or introductory, text (it was, and as far as I know, still is)–and so I don’t recommend Vivekananda’s book for advanced students of Raja Yoga, but I do recommend “How to Know God” for beginners, with the caveat that it is for neophytes, not for advanced students looking to really penetrate the deeper “mechanics” of the Self-realization process.

I am familiar with the other advanced texts recommended in the reviews–even though I have not fully read or studied all of them–and none of them, in my opinion, are as deep or profound as “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali,” by Samkhhya-yogacharya Swami Hariharananda Aranya. Raja Yoga culminates in Kaivalya (eradicating the dominant “Buddhi,” or ego-I sense, and realizing the transcendental `I,’ or Self, in the Heart-center (the Hridayam, distinct from the anahata heart chakra), where the samskaras, or psychical seed tendencies, are “fried”); and Kaivalya is preceded by Dharmamegha (“Cloud of Dharma”) samadhi, whereby and wherein the yogi receives the Divine downpour (of Shakti, or Grace) from the Divine “Cloud Above.” Prior to encountering Aranya’s text, I was unfamiliar with Dharmamegha samadhi in Raja Yoga, but as a yogi who channels heavy-duty Shakti (or Spirit Power) into my Heart-center and regularly rests in deep Heart-felt samadhis, I knew, from my own experience and from what other yoga traditions (especially Kashmir Shaivism) say, that he was describing the Self-realization process on a level beyond that of the other Patanjali texts I had studied.

So start your study of Patanjali’s Sutras with “How to Know God,” and if you find that Patanjali floats your spiritual boat, “graduate” to two more advanced texts: Aranya’s (see my five star review) and also Edwin F. Bryant’s excellent “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” (see my four-star review).

A Superior Text on the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali (Five Stars): “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali”/Swami Hariharananada Aranya

(This is an edited 11/01/2015 version of my original review, and when I reread this book down the road, I’ll edit it further.) I have read numerous versions of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, including — “How to Know God” by Christopher Isherwood and Swami Prabhavananda (see my four-star review), “The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” by Swami Satchidananda (see my three-star review), “The Yoga-Sutra of Patanjali” by Cliff Hartranft (see my two-star review) and the “Yoga Sutras of Patanjali” by Edwin F. Bryant (see my four-star review) — and in my opinion, Aranya’s “Yoga Philosophy of Patanjali,” and Bryant’s scholarly text are easily the best of the ten or so versions of Patanjali that I’ve now studied. This text by Aranya is a deep and engaging read for serious, intellectually inclined students of meditation. It is very esoteric and goes into great detail on the nature and functions of the mind, and the yogic processes of arresting and transcending the mind, culminating in Self-realization. This text perfectly complements Bryant’s, which is more academic (and regularly refers to Aranya’s commentary). Hence, serious students of the Yoga Sutras should study both of these texts.

I am a spiritual writer and teacher, and I recommend that my meditation students start their journey into Patanjali with “How to Know God,” a basic book on the Sutras of Patanjali, then graduate to Aranya’s and Bryant’s texts if they vibe with Patanjali.

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Hi, thanks you for your reviews. Have you come across Taimni’s The Science of Yoga? I think it is an excellent translation/commentary, would be curious to have your opinion. Thanks, Chiara


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